Monday, March 14, 2016

Brain cancer is...

...part of a really loooonnngg Monday!

Sunday's walk:
Today's walk:

Was your Monday like ours?  Do we ever get to vote on this time change thing?

Today we each lived our day jobs:  Kids and school, Darrell and a great first shot at taxes (hurrah!), Andi and a Smart Board institute.

Then family errands.  And also we fit in the cancer to-do items, with one or more family members attacking tasks: 
  • Radiation treatment #11 (Today Darrell stifled a sneeze in super hero mask. Blog worthy.)
  • Pick up CD with pre/post surgical MRIs for UCLA visit
  • Call specialty pharmacy for our usual pleading session
  • Call chemo nurse for assistance in alleviating future pleading sessions
  • Field call from patient advocate
  • Book room for UCLA visit
  • Call speech therapist scheduling again (We think they aren't real.)
  • Take chemo pills and their friends
Notice the things missing from this list, including pack a lunch and pick up Thai food for dinner.  Not sure how we would have made those things happen too.  Thanks Team D.  Did you eat dinner without having someone bring it to you?  Not sure how you manage!  You impress us! 

Thanks, too, for all the encouragements in their various forms (e.g., fridge magnets, many!).


  1. I just hopped aboard your blog, Andi! Thinking of all of you…..sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxoxo

  2. Thanks A! Thanks too for the tea/coffee break!
