Sunday, April 24, 2016

Brain cancer is...

...facing another mighty foe.

World, meet Pup.  Here are the facts:

  • He's a male chocolate lab from the same breeder as Delilah (Cherry Oaks).
  • He weights 19 pounds and is 6 weeks old.
  • Summer and Zach picked him for his temperament.  He's very mild, people centered, and relaxed.
  • His name is Mousse (Get it?  Chocolate Mousse?)  It's also a play on the homophone moose because of his temperament...and the size of his paws.  
  • He'll be quarantined for 6 weeks until he's finished with shots and has built up his immune system more (breeder's recommendation). That means no walks or visits with other dogs for a bit.
 Here are a few pics.  (We're exercising considerable restraint here.)

Selfie kiss on the ride home

Two happy dudes

Close up by Summer

This dog actually smiles.

Okay, and one video of the momentous "first contact" with requisite kiddie pool:

Thanks, friends, for sharing this happy, happy occasion with us.

In other news: A brain cancer perk is a brand new handicapped parking pass:


  1. Adorable! Congratulations to all!

  2. I can't wait until he meets Beowulf...

  3. He is so awesome cuteness, can't wait to meet him🐾🐾puppy lovies to all.🐶oh we love chocolate.

  4. Thanks Friends. He's like a curtain of sunshine in our house.
