Thursday, June 9, 2016

Continued Care

Brain cancer is...


...continuing to get the Super Hero Team D treatment.

Fun Darrell Fact:  His favorite tuna sandwich in the world is at Panera.  Today we had a very pleasant tuna sandwich lunch date, a treat provided by the gift card by LD. 

Similar evidence of continued care:  We took a travel break from the awesome dinners provided by our good peeps at CSUF's Department of Elementary and Bilingual Ed.  When they recently opened an e-sign up for Guillaume dinner continuation, the list for two months of dinners was full in less than 24 hours.  Who does that?  Only Team D.  These efforts are much appreciated.

Darrell is feeling a bit of fatigue on Day 4 of maintenance chemo, but okay.  We all conclude there has been some improvement of speech with the steroids.

The array pun of the day is brought to you by Terri: 

"Where there's a will, there's array."

Too true, Terri, too true.


  1. I'm jealous of that tuna sandwich! Beth won't let me eat one so I have to sneak 'em in when she's not looking! I come. :0)

    Darrell's been Super Dude with his array puns, so "Up, up and arrrrrray....!" (You can use it if you haven't already. I getting old and forgetful! ;0)


  2. More fish oil will DEFINITELY help with brain function. :)
    Looking forward!

  3. You both are so loved. How many peoples's are better because of you.

  4. I agree with Meredith! I am certainly one of those who has benefitted from you both. ❤️

  5. We are the ones whose lives have been thoroughly enriched. But Darrell is pretty cool, it's true. 😀
