Saturday, September 30, 2017

"It's fun to do bad things."

Brain cancer is...

...having fun doing bad things.

Years ago Tiana and Alex shared a news clip with us wherein, when asked why he took Grandma's SUV for a joyride, the seven-year culprit replied, "It's fun to do bad things!"

Today we're having fun doing bad things, Darrell's idea.

First we didn't make the bed.

Then we ate McDonald's for breakfast at the park.

Yes, including hash browns.

We had a fabulous lunch with LuAnn, Roene, Matt and TK.  Not only did Darrell and Andi not share a meal, we also had dessert.

 Now I will work in my art journal...
...instead of grading.

It is fun to do bad things!


  1. Thank you, Dr. Darrell! The Mayfields are in Vegas and grateful for the permission you just granted! We are surrounded by bad options and hope to make Team D proud! Prugs!

  2. Do it! Do bad things, you and your hood rat friends!

  3. May naughtiness set you free...
