Thursday, March 1, 2018

We Haven’t Used Our Noggin in 34 Years.

Brain cancer is...


We received the above noggin for our wedding 34 years ago. We clearly love the noggin, we just don’t use the noggin.  See how brave we are? Declutting by donating items with some sentimental value? We figure it’s just not fair to hoard a noggin* all these years when so many people go without.

*We know what you're thinking:  That doesn't look like a typical noggin.  We know, we know.  There is some question about its identity.  However, the original paperwork, stored within, claims that it is, in fact, a noggin.

In Other News

Today we received the wonderful surprise that Ginger and Tim renewed our annual park pass...again!  Thank you, friends!

We celebrated by enjoying a different park today:  Yorba Regional.



The waterfowl were the same as at Craig Park, but the squirrels were exceptionally friendly.  Each one waved at Darrell as we walked by.  And he waved back.

Here's an example of one that came close to shaking Darrell's hand and joining us for the walk:

Cheers to park passes, friendly wildlife, and noggins!



  1. Mike proposed to me at Yorba Regional almost 28 years ago! xoxo

  2. Oh, that is so wonderful! Now we must return to appreciate the park anew!

  3. Team D has been full of love for decades!!!
