Monday, April 16, 2018

Back on the Clock!

Brain cancer is...

 ...back on the clock.

I have the privilege of continuing to work with the summer STEAM English Language Development Camp partnership CSUF has with a local district.  It's crunch time for curriculum development.

While I sat writing children's books about sand dollars today, Darrell was back on the clock, adding to the effort.  Isn't that a great shot of the aboral view of a sand dollar test?*  Yes, that's Darrell's fancy work.  The black background and lighting?  Perfect.

Christine:  Big D is starting to look for contract re-openers already.  Sigh.  And speaking of you, Christine:  Magic Porch Monday is not a thing.  Porches are not magic.  You are.

Thanks, Mayfields.  Thanks lunch colleagues/friends.  Thanks for the sweet card, Donna. Family and friends are the best.  Successful Monday completion all around, Yes, Team?

*Right here I am applying the mental brakes to stop myself from just going forward full speed with everything that could be shared from this photo.  You're welcome.  But just one thing:  The hole you see is a lunule.  If a sand dollar has any lunules, it has five or six of them. 


  1. Back to the negotiating table... GOT IT! We are looking to discuss contract priorities and are willing to offer concessions, however porch magic is non-negotiable (my client's sentiment, not mine)!
