Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Back in Time for the Cancer Eradication Business

Brain cancer is...

 ...back to business.

Amy visited us this morning for an Optune data download.  As you see, above, Darrell maintained a 97% compliance rating this month...again.   Super hero?  Fighting brain cancer while visiting Alaska on an amazing trip.  Go Big D!

Amy works closely with us--as she has for more than two years now, since the beginning of this cancer journey--but we are mostly interacting remotely these days.  We haven't seen her since February.  She's been such a part of our lives that it was a treat to be in her presence today.

Imagine how much has happened since we saw Amy in person last, in February: So much change in Guillaume World.  What a happy reunion.

Then we moved on to matters with Darrell's Social Security.  Today we learned that the Social Security Administration is an actual place.

Ha ha.  Issues resolved.

Tomorrow is Darrell's next cancer job, the MRI.  Check in is at 8:30 for a 9:00 a.m. scan.  We'll keep you posted.

Adventure Resolution

In case you're wondering how the Northern Adventure ended, it ended with its own mini adventure, as is only fitting:
  • Our Coast Starlight train was indeed two hours late to LA Union Station, causing us to miss the last Surfliner out.
  • Our Starlight room attendant, Robin, saw to it that we were on the first Red Cap shuttle to the bus plaza.
  • The Red Cap sped us right up to the bus, with three minutes to spare.
  • The ride to Fullerton was smooth.
  • Our Uber driver provided an exclamation mark for the trip.  He sped up in an old car (we thought that couldn't happen for Uber) and a full trunk.  (Side note:  Darrell's pretty sure the driver had a body back there.)  We packed the luggage into the backseat and around us.
  • Seriously:  The driver's braking system alarmed at every stop.  We tumbled gratefully out of his car and made it home around midnight.  If we weren't happy to be home before that moment, we certainly were when he screeched up to our driveway.  Perfect!

Trip Highlights Video

We are still working through the photos of the Great Northern Adventure.

For those of you who can tolerate more on the topic of the trip, here's a five-minute highlight video. The file is too large to upload, so choose either link:

We hope all is well with you and yours in your own adventures!


  1. The video is beyond incredible! Thank you for taking Team D on this amazing Alaskan adventure. Can’t wait for the next one! Prugs!!!

  2. Hey, thank YOU for being a part of it. And for welcoming us home with our very own portable Barge Cow!
