Friday, August 3, 2018

56: So Far, So Good.

Brain cancer is...

...married to a happy 56-year old.

To start the run early, my birthday began at 4:45.  I opened my eyes to Darrell singing Happy Birthday.  Then, with that famously animated Darrell face, he asked, "Aren't you excited?"  
My response:  "Um.  No."  [Pause.]  "Are you?"  
"Yes!  It's an adventure!"
Sigh.  To myself:  "He's right.  Attitude adjustment time."

Above you see us at the finish line of the 10-mile adventure.  It was great and, more importantly, it's over. 

Alex and Tiana are coming for the next round of Birthday Hijinks on this, Day Three of Birthday Month Celebrations.  Hurrah! 

Updated 8/4/18:  Some Video Moments of the Day

Thanks, everyone, for your birthday texts, emails, and cards.  Yay!

And now, just a brief pause for some serious birthday stuff. 

[Reader's advisory:  Stop reading here if you'd rather keep things light for birthdays.  You know me; I can  find things to cry about even while running, trying to put one foot in front of the other for 10 miles.]

Grandma, This Run Is for You.

My maternal grandmother, Eva Burghardt, was an incredibly strong, tenacious woman.  She was a credentialed educator who taught in a one-room school house in Iowa.  Then, after marrying my grandfather Alfred, she was a farmer.  When she was 56, she lay down on her bed and died of a massive stroke.  

Today I turned 56.  Grandma, this run is for you.

Grandma, as I ran today I thought about some things that I wanted you to know:
  • I am sorry that your children and grandchildren had so little time with you.  I have watched the  profound effect of your absence on my mother throughout my life. 
  • I am grateful for every one of the days I've had with my mother that she didn't have with you.
  • I am thankful to you for the legacy you left behind.  Your strength and tenacity ripple forward in so many people, in several generations.
  • I am grateful for the gift of health and for every step I can take.
  • I promise you I will never take my health for granted and I will work to protect it.
  • I promise I won't do another ridiculously long run for no reason. Until next year.



  1. Happy Birthday to the most stunning 56-year-old I know! You make it look so good! Love you for ten miles and back! PRUGS!!!

  2. Wow! With a comment like that, I can't wait to turn 57! Aloha!

  3. Oh I am wishing you such a Happy Birthday MONTH!!!! August 3rd? That was my brother's birthday. He turned 41.. such a baby! And I totally loved your thoughts to your grandmother. I just turned 51 last month... and now that I am in my 50's.. I keep thinking about my mother. She died in 2000... at the age of 54. My dad died in 2002 at the age of 59. I really hope I can make it through my 50's!

    Here is to you... congratulations on your 10 mile run.. you are such a rockstar.. and today... (yes.. it is quite a few days late) I celebrate YOU!

  4. Hello My PhotoGirl! You were NOT late! It's only Day 16. That's why I don't consider myself late in responding to you either. : )

    How fun: I have a birthday twin, your brother. Roar, Leos, Roar!

    Happy (late) birthday to you, my dear friend! I am so very sorry about your parents. Fifties are way too young to exit Earth. I am happy for the legacy they left in YOU and your commitment to health and fitness. Let's keep celebrating every day...and see it through to sixties, where the fun might really get started. (Ha Ha.) Thank you for your friendship and for this sweet message.
