Thursday, February 7, 2019

Imprudent Promises: A Cautionary Tale

Brain cancer is…

 …more careful with promises these days.

Five months after Darrell’s GBM diagnosis, in this very town, Darrell made a promise.  (To be specific, click here for the context of the post on the actual day.)

As we enjoyed the beach-city street scenes with Brady, Linda, Bennett, and Christian, we saw a cute little Miata.  Andi extracted a teary promise from Darrell:  “On your third cancer anniversary, will you buy me that car and drive it up the coast with me?”  Darrell matched the tears and said, “Yes.”  

Now Darrell admits that he was so quick to share a teary moment and say “yes” because he thought he wouldn’t need to make good on his promise.  He thought he’d be dead.

Guess what.  It’s his third anniversary of diagnosis tomorrow.  Guess what.  We’re on that coastal road trip.  

Side note:  I decided I didn’t want that Miata.  Something that drives up a mountain in the snow without chains sounds more luxurious, but that’s a decision for later.  

Here's a slideshow if you'd like more images of Coastal Road Trip Day One:

Click here for Alternate YouTube link.

The moral of this cautionary tale?  Be careful of the promises you make.  You may need to keep them.

This story, along with the “put away the Christmas lights carefully” tale, are prime examples of our lengthening horizons and changing perspectives.

Happy Anniversary Coastal Road Trip, Team D!


  1. Happy Happy Anniversary Team D from Team D at the home front. Been trekking with as you get to all of my favorite places, With Love 💗

  2. Thanks so much, Meridyth and Franceen. Remind me to tell you about the promise I could NOT extract from Darrell. It involves a sea otter.
