Sunday, March 10, 2019

We're committed! (CA19-11)

Brain cancer is...


About a third of a mile into our Woodland Trail, I suggested we turn around.  So muddy.  Darrell said,  "Nope.  We're committed."  Darrell Guillaume: right again!  The trail improved.

We finished this short, scenic hike in the company of a gentle snow.

Andi did two new things today:
1.  Used a socket wrench. (Don't judge; the opportunity never presented itself.)
2.  Used the "panorama" function on the phone camera to take a tall picture instead of a wide picture.

For scale, here's the same tree, non-panorama, standing a little back and to the right.
Happy Confusing-Daylight-Savings-Time-but-Nice-Late-Sunset Sunday!

Elsewhere in California...

Curt and Barb hiked the Diamond Valley Lake Flower Trail:

Wow, kids.  Go Super bloom, go!


  1. What a gorgeous scarf! Miss you both! Prugs!
    ~Christine :)

  2. You have us laughing our loud, Christine! But since we're on the topic, the scarf is also very warm. ; ) Much love to you and the fam.
