Monday, August 12, 2019

59 Trips Around the Sun

Brain cancer is...

....celebrating Darrell’s birthday with a pizza party.

You know the significance, right? We are at home with Gordon! Gary generously planned and hosted Darrell’s party to close a momentous day.

Andi and Darrell sprung  Gordon from rehab this morning. Gary came over soon after, and we met with the home help person. In other medical progress events, Andi and LuAnn made a successful trek to USC.  Before pizza, Darrell and Andi got Gordon settled with medications and necessary home adjustments.

We are enjoying Gordon’s “firsts” back home after two and a half months away.

One great first? First birthday pizza and slumber party at Gordon’s house!

Happy Birthday Big D!


  1. Happy Birthday, Dr. Darrell!! You make 59 look sooooooo good! Biggest prugs!
    ~Christine xoxo
