Sunday, November 3, 2019

Cheddar and Chowda

Brain cancer is...

...watching football with Nova.

Today Nova watched football with aunt and uncle and all.  We ate the cheddar cheese too late in the game to help the Packers beat the Chargers.  Ouch.

Then Nova put on her Pats hat to support her mom’s family’s team.  There’s nothing like a baby to make it okay to watch Tom Brady...without saying bad things.

Not only did we watch the game, we ate chowder in support of New England.  We aren’t at the half yet, but the chowder seems to be working.

Clearly we love you, Nova.

Ps...This one-click purchase appeared late this evening.

Ready for the second half of the season!


  1. OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYY!!! This post is off the (cuteness) charts. Prugs! xoxo

  2. Isn't it everything good in the world? : )
