Saturday, May 30, 2020

Darrell's Strange Hoarding Behavior

Brain cancer is...

...hoarding duraflame logs.

We have a fire in the fireplace nearly every night even if we need to run the air conditioner at same time (as you may recall, here).  Just one log per night signals the end of day and the beginning of play time.   

Andi caught me in the picture, above, with my stash.  To be honest, there is no shortage of duraflame logs.  One can find at any grocery store and most hardware stores.  I just can't help myself from buying them...even on Amazon (one click shopping).  

(Andi's defense of Darrell:  He did set the toilet paper back down and come home from Walgreens without it yesterday, exercising notable restraint.)

Hope you are hoarding odd things too, Team D!

Back at the cabin, Matt and Mitch are making fast progress on the the Cabin Deck Project (you met them here).  Here's the upper back deck, sanded. 

Today's Bloom

This little hibiscus bloom is hidden away on its plant, tucked into the back corner of our patio.  We think this bloom is the first one from this hibiscus in years.  Maybe it’s a product of our recent repotting efforts. You may not be beautiful, little bloom, but beauty fades.  Effort and persistence endure.  “A” for “effort.” 


  1. More logs means more play time! Applause and respect from the Mayfields! If you care to hear, my odd hoarding obsession is baking ingredients: cake mixes, sprinkles, decorating tips (that I rarely use), sugar, flour, baking pans... the list is endless. So glad I'm not alone! Prugs! xoxo
