Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Does "Phase Two" Mean to You?

Brain cancer is...


...accelerating project completion.

Darrell and I feel confused about "Phase Two."  We aren't changing many behaviors yet to match California's Phase Two status.  However, we are taking the change in status as a sign of things to come.  We've decided we need to work faster on our projects so that, when the time comes, we can get on with the business of living in the larger (and closer) world.

Above you see the results of Darrell's great work on the Fountain Project.  For 25 years, the motor has had a bad plug, so starting in the fountain has been typically a shocking experience.  Also the tubing was pinched and needed to be replaced.  A couple shopping clicks, a few hours, and some Big D expertise later, et voila!  We have a fountain like normal people have. 

What Phase Two means to me thus far is that now I can stop asking, "Honey, will you plug the fountain in, please?" 

What does it mean to you?

Let the Celebrations Begin!

Moms, let's get this party started.  We're the hand that rules the world.  Forget a measly one day of celebration for mothers.  Let's declare two, at minimum.

Here's how I started the party today:

Cafe latte and iced tea for our breakfast walk in the park.  I'm the boss of me.

Today's Blooms

A cactus at Craig:
Suzie's gifts:

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