Sunday, June 14, 2020

Testing, Testing

Brain cancer is...

....doing a trial run at Father's Day (aka, Pre-Father's Day #1).

As you know, Darrell and Andi don't celebrate a holiday one time.  We need to have multiple times to get it right.  Above is an image of me in the park feeling out Pre-Father's Day.  The perfect day.  A long walk, a work out, the meal out.  I am happily contemplating:
  • the meals
  • the people
  • the experiences
The stress of it all!!
Work, work, work...

Oh wait, no work for me.  My wife will make it all work for me!

Thank you, Wife.
Perhaps we need a Pre-Father's Day #2?

(Andi's response:  Sorry, Darling.  No more test runs. No days left.  We gotta jump into Father's Day proper, ready or not!  Don't worry.  I got this.)

Today’s Bloom
Palo Verde Tree Blooms at Craig Park


  1. All Team D members can learn from your holiday celebration tactics! I think a Pre-Father's Day #2 is a grand idea! Pre-prugs! xoxo

  2. Grand FOR SURE. But I'm tied up in an institute. It'll have to be someone else enjoying. Ha ha.
