Wednesday, October 21, 2020

This IS Our Formal Look!

 Brain cancer is...

...looking pretty snazzy...from the waist up.

Tonight we had the privilege to participate in a wonderful brain cancer event on Zoom.  We were fancy--and nervous--from the waist up.  But our comfy feet said, "thank you."

You may recall that we've been a little concerned about the twins' behavior these days. Today Christine and we took them to check out the playground at Yorba.    Here's how it went.


You can see how much fun they had.  They were very well behaved, so that was reassuring.

You know Darrell is the cautious one at our house.  He made sure the twins sanitized before leaving the park.

We hope you washed your hands today too, Team D!

Today's Blooms

1 comment:

  1. The Twins were so happy to see that the yellow caution tape was no longer wrapped around the playground! Let the good times roll!
