Tuesday, November 24, 2020

From Stressed to Sassy Before Seven

Brain cancer is...

 ...done with Step One in Cancer Course.

Can you believe it's time for Darrell's Cancer Course already?  Blood work is always the first step, to clear him for the MRI.  The scan is two weeks from today.

We were up at 5:45 today to make it to the lab first thing.  (Which is important because...?) 
Social distancing has changed now from not every other seat but every third or fourth, as you see above.  Safety first.

You also see that Darrell is looking pretty smug.  He went from being pretty anxious ("Can Andi get in?"  "Will the line be out the door?" "Will the doctor's order be in place?") to sassy in just 20 minutes.  Love it. 

Here's our question about blood work:  You know how athletes go to high altitudes to train, so that when they play at a lower elevation, they are like oxygen machines?  We're wondering if Darrell's blood will show evidence of his high elevation life.  Like maybe his midi-chlorians will be off the charts? 

Here's to you and your midi-chlorians, Friends!

No More Skelly Guilt
Chris sent visual evidence that some Skellies do have more than seasonal work.  Check out the Chino Skelly, ready for any new fires.

We love that fire fighting Skelly has a friend, and the friend has a friend.  And flowers.

Today's Blooms

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