Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Joined in the Fight

Brain cancer is...

Nancy Johnson at the August birthday party

...joined in the fight for the benefit of others.

One bright candle we lit last night was for Darrell's sister, Nancy.  Nancy was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  Nancy allowed us to share her information with you tonight because she wants to encourage us women to continue with our regular mammograms. 

Because Nancy had her annual scan, they caught her cancer while it was still Stage 1.  According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Stage 1 breast cancer is easily and effectively treatable, and the 5-year survival rate for treated Stage 1 breast cancer is 100%. 

Nancy, thanks from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to share your story and your message:  Don't skip those mammograms, gals!

We promise to be brave, strong, true members of Team N, just as you continue to be for Team D.

Darrell's Cancer Eradication Effort Updates

1.  So Cal Edison approved our request! Because of Darrell's medical equipment, they have granted us "additional baseline allocation."  In other words, we get more electricity at the lowest rate, before we graduate to the higher tiers.

2.  Today Darrell took exactly one tiny pill:
Not even for cancer!  Blood pressure!
He has successfully tapered off the steroids; he now takes none.  We miss you, doughnuts.  We miss you bacon. 

3.  Darrell continues to feel great, to get his miles in, and to keep up his positive attitude. He's continuing to sing '70s songs.  Ask him to do "Thank God, I'm a Country Boy" for you.


  1. Hey Nancy - I didn't get a chance to tell you at the party: The confetti thing was all Darrell's idea!
