Sunday, November 27, 2016

So Excited for the Season

Brain cancer is... excited for the holiday season!

Our family celebrates Christmas.  It's Darrell's and my favorite holiday.  Even though we always love Christmas, this year we are absurdly happy to see the season upon us.  It seems like many people feel the same way. To us, it seems like people put their lights up early, have already decorated, and are maximizing their celebration time period.   We love it!

Above are the first dingle balls of the season, which appeared on Thanksgiving.  If you're not from around here, "dingle balls" is our term for the light ornaments that several streets near us put up.  Crowds of cars drive through, and lots of walkers appreciate them every night.  They are pretty magical.  Here's a close up. 

You could probably make some, Roene.  Advance warning, Team D.:  You will almost certainly be subjected to more dingle ball photos in the days to come.  We love dingle balls.

Guess what.  It gets better!  Santa came early.  Today Santa left this holiday cheer on our porch:

 And also a gingerbread house, especially designed for engineers.  Santa knows Darrell!

Also, baby Mousse got his first ugly sweater.  You can see his opinion of it:

Except for Mousse, we are all having a wonderful day.  We hope you are too!

1 comment:

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Guillaumes and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of Team D!!! Here's to a great month of Holiday HO-HO-HOs and double doses of dingle balls!!! xoxoxo
