Wednesday, July 12, 2017

So Many Kinds of Good

Brain cancer is...

 ...exploring so many kinds of "good," all in one day.

It was before 8 this morning when we took the photo, above.  Darrell was with me, hanging the art, doing some repairs (see blue tape), and in the case of the photo, pointing out problems with quality control.

(Side note:  Given the public outcry in support of Darrell's requests for a better compensation package--and also because he is so darn convincing, he's definitely getting a better package.  So don't complain about his hours.)

He and I went our separate ways, being productive.  I got the better deal, spending several joyful hours with Block 21, listening to them plan ways to improve the world for our children.  (Hey!  Maybe I shouldn't admit how much fun I have at work...just in case I want to argue for a better compensation package of my own.) 

Darrell was back in the art room with me, not leaving the art installation until 3 p.m.  A long day, but look:

Stunning, right?  We'll post a long shot when the installation is complete.

Back at home, we had the pleasure of Zach's company.  He picked up a CSUF faculty parking permit because he's doing a guest lecture next week. 

Really, should children be allowed to give college lectures, let alone park in the faculty lot? When did that happen?

The three of us continued our conversations with a walk at the park.  We enjoyed visits with other happy park goers.  Even the ducks seemed talkative and content.

And now...on to the cake from the Victoria/Torres Family!

So many kinds of good, all in one day.

We wish the same for you and your Wednesday.