Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Still Smiling, 7.5 Miles In

Brain cancer is...

We have a strong memory that, when Darrell was admitted to the Emergency Department in February 2016, the Super Bowl was on every television set in the place.  Super Bowl Sunday = Brain Cancer at our house.

That's why on Super Bowl Sunday 2017, we did anti-cancer, anti-Super Bowl:  We walked 30,000 steps (about 14 miles).  (Click here for the post.)  Decidedly anti-cancer, right?

With Darrell's second year diagnosis anniversary approaching, we feel the need to up our anti-cancer ultra walk:  We'll do 35,000 steps (approximately 16 miles).

We didn't train for last year's walk, which turned out to be not one of our best ideas. Therefore, we are training for our 35,000-step adventure. 

Today we walked 8 miles (17,183 steps).  At 7.5 miles, Darrell was still smiling and laughing (above). Maybe it was delirium introduced by 7.5 miles, but it looked like genuine happiness to me. 

Every day continues to be a great day for Darrell. 


  1. OMG!!! Y'all need a medal at that finish line!!! The Mayfields will be with you in spirit as we do a (slacker) half-marathon. 16 miles is DEFINITELY anti-cancer! PRUGS!!! xoxoxo

  2. Oh, the SLACKER half-marathon? The slacker half-marathon that you no doubt complete at a sharper pace than 2.9 mph (aka Guillaume speed)? So cool that we can cheer each other on that morning! Let's do it!
