Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Readers note: Blogger Darrell typing away today.

Brain cancer is...

…enjoying our last day at the cabin (for now).

Today is our last day at the cabin for a little while.  I picked the walk today:  The pedal path by the lake shore (because there are few people midweek).   Andi even got to put her feet in the water.  

We seemed to have worked our walks and lake views from higher elevations to lower ones. 

We celebrated everything “last” on this great vacation.  Here are a few examples, from the start of the day to later. 

Andi had her last cup of coffee in her cabin bed.

We splurged on our last bird seed party.

You're on your own for a while, flickers, jays, acorn woodpeckers, chickadees, and nuthatches.

We took our photo at the point.

 We had our last cabin lunch, our last cabin workout, our last deck side cocktail hour…for now.  

What a fantastic trip!

(Andi's take:  Note that Darrell mentions that he picked the pedal path for the walk.  Do you see a pedal path, above?  No.  That's because Darrell is a learner.  A little adventure--like the sandy path by the lake--goes a long way for his wife.)

And Speaking of Lasts...

Some people we love also faced some “lasts.”

This was Alex’s last day as a resident!  No more school of any sort for him.  He is finished.  He has a couple of weeks off and then Dr. AWD Guillaume is staff at a Kaiser Hospital's Emergency Department.

(Side notes:  When Tiana sent us these pics today, Andi cried.  Also, Tiana's residency program is four years instead of three.  Dr. TMD Guillaume's last day as a resident is a future last.)

Finally, this is Melanie’s last day as a flight nurse for a fire program that was cancelled.  (Recall that Melanie has given us all thrilling rides, like the recent one over the deserted Las Vegas strip, here).  She loved the work, the organization, and the people.  She has a new, similar job, but it's different.  We celebrate your "last" Melanie, and are hopeful about future "firsts."

Today's Blooms
All lake side.  Will this earth ever stop blooming?


  1. Congratulations, Dr. AWD Guillaume! Enjoy your well-deserved time off! Prugs! xoxo

  2. Yay Alex! By "enjoy" she probably means "eat pretzels all day."
    : ) You deserve it...whatever you choose.
