Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Photo: Wednesday, February 24, 2016  10:24 a.m.

Brain cancer is... longer about the staples.  Dang!

Best Physician's Assistant ever:  Before I asked, she bagged up the cool staple remover and Darrell's 12 little staple friends and offered them as a souvenir.  I didn't even need to think of a plausible-sounding excuse for your ghoulish habits (which match ours, of course).  Here you go:

Right now they are all bagged and sitting next to the gratitude journal.  Probably not a permanent storage place, but fitting.  More good news from the day:

  • Darrell was cleared to drive.  (Darrell as patient = awesome.  Darrell as front-seat passenger = not awesome.)
  • He was cleared to lift more weight (carefully).
  • Chemo meds are being overnighted, to arrive tomorrow.
  • Shortly after the above photo, Darrell changed out of the gray garb into RSY (rainbow shirt yellow).
So many good thoughts and wishes from you today.  We hope you know what a difference they make. 


  1. You need the staples for the staple fairy DUH!! Also, I much approve of the RSY change :)

    1. Totally obvious, Miss Madds! Any idea of the going rate for individual staples these days?

  2. Smiles, Hearts, and Sunshine(RSY) all around!

  3. Hey...since the staples are out, I just wanted to know if we still get to call Darrell, "Zipperhead"! I kinda liked it!

    Smiles for both of you! :0) Geoff

  4. I am not sure the staples have street value but the remover can be handy for extracting hooks from fish, or so my patients tell me.
