Saturday, April 16, 2016

Brain cancer is...

...infinitely more bearable because of you.

Today was one of those days wherein you somehow knew that we needed you, and you were there for us en force.

Recall Cancer To-Do List items #1 and #2 yesterday, those related to Optune and a certain "appeals" request?  To get right to the point, the new case manager from our insurance company called today to explain that the appeal is indeed necessary; the insurance company so far says "no," and the next step involves further effort from us to document the likely efficacy of the Optune for treatment of Darrell's tumor.  That was this morning.

This evening, because of your support, we have the resilience to say, "No worries.  We love a good to-do list! We got this!" Without you, though, this post would have been The One about Andi Learning that it Is Okay to Cry during Some Important Phone Calls.* 

We hadn't told anyone about our new to-do list item, and still you wrapped us in your love and support all day long! 

This isn't a complete listing, but you'll perhaps sense the number and range of caring thoughts we received today:  You checked to see if a visit was possible, you sent cards, you sent a fancy razor (best shave ever!), you sent emails, you sent a kiss selfie**, you texted pics of the beautiful places and exciting things you did today, you fed us dinner (again!), you inquired about coffee, and you (Barb) made use of the magic front porch that generates apple pie cookies unbidden.  Your thoughtfulness lifts us up above the wave.  You are incredible.

The most important lesson we learned today was that we need to be as great of team members for others (including you) that you are for us.  Everyone deserves a team like Team D. 

To celebrate Darrell's change of status to "walks-with-changing-altitudes-are-fine" status, we walked five miles through the Raymond Hills:

We continue to be immersed in the beauty of the world and its people

*About crying:  Our family often (umm...daily?) embraces a good cry as therapeutic, but cries that occur with strangers from an insurance company don't fit the "therapy" bill.

**About kiss selfies:  We'll let this go soon, but based on our experience with a single kiss selfie today, we're ready to begin a clinical trial of the immediate mood-elevating potential of vicarious kiss selfies.  Not to give you a chore but an invitation: If you ever find yourself with a partner, parent, child, friend, or pet who will consent willingly to a kiss selfie, send it to us.  We promise not to post it.  And we promise to smile.

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