Friday, April 8, 2016

Brain cancer is... reason to surrender hunky status.

Hurrah!  Radiation is finished!  Here's how this great day unfolded:

1.  Darrell finished his treatment.  Therapist Barbara hugged him.  We said good-bye to waiting room compadres.  We took the mask and ran.

Super hero mask meets parrots.
2.  We went straight to Brownstone for our breakfast burrito and mimosa to celebrate.

Adventure Journal #1 adventure of the day.
3.  Great friend and stylist for nearly 20 years, Lisa Vatakis at Colours, treated Darrell to the long-awaited new hair style. 

What an awesome head!
  4.  We headed to Yard House to celebrate (again) for lunch.  Packers fans:  They have fried cheese curds.  Yes, we ate them.

Adventure Journal #2 adventure for the day.

5.  And now, as a perfect finish, the rain continues and we watch it with a fire in the fireplace. 

Let's hope you're having a similarly satisfying day.  Here's to the next phase of the adventure!


  1. Via airplay and the biggest TV we have, our family unanimously votes that the hunky status has just gone off the charts!

    1. Hurrah! That's saying something when it's on the big screen!

  2. Love the new "doo" Darrell! It's working for you! Geoff
    (PS New nicknames coming soon! ;0)

  3. See, Lisa agreed to my "no sideburns" vote! Yeah! You wear bald beautifully!

    1. Lisa took no discussion. No issues for decision. That speaks well of your choices, K!

  4. Your head rocks! One doesn't realize how bumpy heads are until one is bald. Your's may be the hunkiest one I have seen.

    1. It's been empirically confirmed, Mer. There is no hunkier head. I don't mean to go on and on, but check out the ears in the various postings. Ears are even better than head.
