Saturday, February 9, 2019

Big Sur Saturday

Brain cancer is... at Big Sur for a couple days.

It was sunnier than predicted for the morning we spent en suite.  Then the drive up from Pismo Beach on Highway One was everything they say.

We went from high style in our Pismo Beach suite to rustic here at the Lucia Lodge.  They generate their own power.  No phones or televisions in the rooms.  No phone signal or Internet unless we are at the lodge. How primitive. How perfect!

So don't worry about us if you don't hear much.  We're posting this now while I work on the video...just in case Internet is that limited.

A hike at Limekiln State Park was a high point of the day.  This photo is from where Limekiln Creek hits the ocean.

Okay, a few more.  These are from the hill at our lodge.

Happy Big Sur Saturday, Team D!

Updated 2/11/19:  Here's a video:
Click here for the alternate YouTube link.


  1. Beauty is in abundance as I see in these great pics😍

  2. Isn't it true, Franceen! It literally took our breath away several times a day!
