Saturday, February 2, 2019

Superbowl Stroll? Soggy Saturday Surprise

Brain cancer is...

 ...finished with this year's Stroll!

We fly out first thing in the morning on business, so we could not walk tomorrow while the Rams beat the Patriots.  Therefore we did Superbowl Stroll Three today.

Today's stroll goal was 40K steps, about 20 miles.  The weather made it exciting.  Fifteen miles of smooth, cool partially rainy.  File miles of thoroughly wet.

Here's a video of some highlights:

Click here for alternate YouTube link.

Stroll on, Team D!


  1. Yikes...flash floods!!! Thanks for your inspiring wet feet!

  2. Congrats to the Great Guillaumes!!! Such an incredible accomplishment. Thanks for sharing it with us. Masterful can-crushing form, Big D!
    ~ Christine xoxo

  3. Thanks for strolling with us, Mer and Christine, and all y'all Team D!
