Saturday, July 6, 2019

North Shore Perspectives: Up to the PCT

Brain cancer is...

 ...enjoying the views of the lake from the summit on the other shore.

Yesterday's adventure--the Snow Summit Sky Chair Adventure--granted lake views from the south shore.

Today we did the Cougar Crest Trail up to the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).  Beth and Geoff had not yet seen it, and Beth's top five book list includes Wild

Same lake, opposite shore.

Here are some of the day's views, summiting the north shore:

Lunch was Peppercorn Grille, and after about 7 miles on a warm day, we're up for a rest.

Earthquake update: We felt last night's quakes plenty, but there was no damage.  Hope all our Cali friends are equally unharmed.

Birthday shout out:  Today is the birthday of our darling daughter, Summer.  Here's a picture of her entertaining on her recent trip to Fullerton.  Love you, Summer!

Happy Saturday, wherever you are, Team D!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Summer!!! Biggest prugs!!!
    ~ Christine xoxo
