Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Darrell Guillaume Makes Art: Morning, Noon and NIght

Brain cancer is...

...making art all day long.

Darrell has highly varied and well developed skills as an artist.  You already know what a great singer he is.  But check out three of his creations, all from today.

It started with the innovative, bright, and ultimately delicious breakfast salad, above.  When I asked him to work some chicken breast into my breakfast, he created what I now call Breakfast Salad.  Salad for breakfast?  I am close to weeping.   I crave it already.   (No, he didn't eat his egg, chicken, fruit, and toast as a salad.  You don't need me to tell you:  Sandwich.  Such a versatile artist.)

Here's his noon sculpture:

Each component is highly valued, but together as a composition? Stunning!  (Why Duraflame?  We still burn a log every night.  It means we're on vacation.)

And this evening?

It practically sings!  (Yes, Darrell did choose that filter, and, yes, the candy bowl is ready for you again.)

We can only hope that your Tuesday was rich with art as well.

Today's Bloom

Melanie took this photo of (according to LuAnn) fireweed near Phelan this morning.

Melanie said that this region burned badly a couple years ago.  To her, this picture is an example of nature arising brilliantly from the hard times.  Indeed.


  1. Greetings, Dr. A. Guillaume. Per our contractual regularly scheduled updates, I would like to confirm that during this pandemic my client, Dr. D. Guillaume, has been provided comfortable work spaces as he transitions to working from home on a more regular basis. Please keep in mind that hand-washing stations, masks and well-ventilated work spaces are required. Your efforts to always abide by our collective bargaining agreement are much appreciated.

  2. I'll pass this message along, but, hey, the guy's an artist. I'm not messing with his process.
