Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Emmaus here we come!

Update: 11:29 pm Eastern: the individual photos mentioned below are compiled in this slideshow video.

Brain cancer is...

[Virtual image for later: Darrell in long pants. Weird!]

...on the move! 

6:17 am Pacific Time:  Boarded a full flight and expecting on time departure to Atlanta.

7:23 am Pacific Time: All departures shut down due to fog. Waiting for it to burn off. Now THIS is the travel experience we are accustomed to!

3:02 pm Eastern Time: We left Orange County within 20 minutes of fog call and arrived on time to make our connection. Waiting at the gate. Shows as on time departure.

[Virtual image for later: Selfie with Louis, the operations manager of Hawthorn School District. We had a great conversation. Thanks, Louis!]

6:13 pm Eastern Time: We took off from ATL on time and landed at ABE on time. Yippee! Currently sitting on the tarmac, apparently doing important cold weather things like de icing planes. Darrell's feeling done with the flight.

[Virtual image for later: snowy stuff.]

Alex and Tiana are waiting nearby.

8:54 pm Eastern Time:   We are home safe and sound with A & T.  We walked Beowulf in the snow, gave  cheers to celebrate match and being together, and we enjoyed a great Irish meal of corned beef and potatoes and carrots.

[Virtual image for later:  Great times together in Allentown, Evening 1.]

Thanks for hanging with us!  We hope you had a great day!


  1. Louis! How great that you checked in to the blog! We hope Atlanta treated well. Maybe we'll see you in the Southland sometime!
