Sunday, March 18, 2018

Murder Scene [Recreated]

Brain cancer is...

...such a jokester.

Darrell is funny 24/7.  In the middle of the night, when I return from the bathroom, I often find him lying peacefully in the space I just vacated, snoring quietly, feigning sleep.  I "wake him," whispering, "Darrell! you fell asleep on my side!"  He replies, as if dazed after a deep sleep, "Oh, what? What? Sorry!"

Usually that's how the game goes.  However, in the dark, early hours today, when I returned from the bathroom, I saw something a lot like this:

faithful recreation of the scene
I tried our regular routine, whispering:  "Darrell! you fell asleep across the bed! Wake up!"  His reply had us laughing all day:  "I'm dead.  This is a murder scene!"

Here's hoping that any murder scenes you encountered today were humorous.

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