Sunday, May 31, 2020

Parent Day

Brain cancer is...




...back to "normal" with parents.

Great food and drink were the recipe for fun.  We enjoyed a porch party at Gordon's house with a mimosa-to-go and great conversation.  (His mimosa was packed for later, after his physical therapy.) Who would have known Dad likes Egg McMuffins?  We knew Gordon liked mimosas!

Then we went to LuAnn's and enjoyed a bottle of Butter Chardonnay under the tabebuia tree as we dined on Italian food.  We knew LuAnn liked Italian food!

We knew we liked Gordon and LuAnn.

Life is good!!

Today's Blooms

Summer’s new orchid, which she named “Insane Beauty.”  Clearly.

LuAnn’s roses were all displaying enthusiasm.  Showstopper:  Sedona.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Darrell's Strange Hoarding Behavior

Brain cancer is...

...hoarding duraflame logs.

We have a fire in the fireplace nearly every night even if we need to run the air conditioner at same time (as you may recall, here).  Just one log per night signals the end of day and the beginning of play time.   

Andi caught me in the picture, above, with my stash.  To be honest, there is no shortage of duraflame logs.  One can find at any grocery store and most hardware stores.  I just can't help myself from buying them...even on Amazon (one click shopping).  

(Andi's defense of Darrell:  He did set the toilet paper back down and come home from Walgreens without it yesterday, exercising notable restraint.)

Hope you are hoarding odd things too, Team D!

Back at the cabin, Matt and Mitch are making fast progress on the the Cabin Deck Project (you met them here).  Here's the upper back deck, sanded. 

Today's Bloom

This little hibiscus bloom is hidden away on its plant, tucked into the back corner of our patio.  We think this bloom is the first one from this hibiscus in years.  Maybe it’s a product of our recent repotting efforts. You may not be beautiful, little bloom, but beauty fades.  Effort and persistence endure.  “A” for “effort.” 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Side Fence Planting Project: Check!

Brain cancer is...

The Holes

The Bamboo in the Holes

...planting 10 bamboo plants against our new fence.

We had several requirements for the plants:
  1. They do not need support from the fence (no drilling holes and no tying to the pickets).
  2. They need to have height to be seen from our windows (but not too tall).
  3. They need to have limited width so as not to impair the walkway beside the house (and require limited trimming to accomplish this).
Hence, we called Andi's Mom (LuAnn) and she recommended clumping bamboo, which meets all of the requirements!  

The underground stem and root system of bamboo is called a rhizome.  (You may recall our recent rhizome discoveries here and here).  

One of Our Rhizomes
Thanks, Anne Marie, for keeping our little rhizomes wet while we were at the cabin!

The bamboo should be producing shoots soon!  Speaking of shoots reminds us of an old joke.

A panda walks into a bar. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. "Why asks the confused waiter, as the panda walks towards the exit. "I'm a panda.  Look it up."  "Panda: China. Eats, shoots and leaves."

Hope your day is funnier than that joke!

Today's Bloom

We channeled Georgia O’Keeffe at Yorba Regional Park today.  Side note:  O’Keeffe’s  Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1 sold for $44 million at auction (here).  It remains the most expensive painting by a woman.  We’ll print you a copy of our version (also by a woman) for way less than that!