Friday, September 23, 2016


Brain cancer is...

...holding stable.

Hurrah!  Preliminary results indicate that the tumor has not grown this month.  The radiologist's report and Dr. Park's reading of yesterday's MRI both suggest that the tumor is not progressing.

We see Dr. Cloughesy at UCLA on Monday, so our "final word" really comes then.  However, all signs are positive! 

Even better:  Dr. Park is ready--if Dr. Cloughesy is ready--to skip a month's MRI and wait until November for the next scan (this is an 8-week span instead of our 4-week span between scans).

Thank you so much for all of your good thoughts, and thank your for sharing in the scanxiety that preceded the great news.

Hit the median PFS?  Check!  Bring on the next odds!

Happy Friday, and here's hoping you have good news in your lives today too.


  1. Great news another reason to celebrate!!

  2. Hurray! The approach of beating this one odd at a time and seeing the focused rigor you guys bring to everything else brought to this is so inspiring. The other bonus of taking it one odd at a time is this means extra reasons to celebrate and party!

  3. Thanks, Franceen, Vicki, and Charlene. You're on to us, Charlene: Looking for reasons to celebrate! : ) Happy Birthday!

  4. Such great news! Love reading about your adventures and vibrant family, Andi. I'm still Team D all the way!

  5. You definitely get the team tee shirt, Mel! Thanks for your love and support!
