Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Amazing Brain

Brain cancer is...

 ...not necessarily a skill killer.

You may recall that the tumor removed from Darrell's brain in February was golf-ball sized, and it left a golf-ball-sized cavity. It's not surprising, then, that skill sets such as his speech, multiplication, and typing are affected. 

What is surprising to us is that, despite brain-scoop-removal, Darrell's brain hasn't necessarily lost complex skills permanently. 

Above you see Darrell taking a keyboarding pretest at the beginning of the therapy session.  Sure enough, his speed and accuracy are far below what they were pre-tumor.  However, with just 15 minutes of good quality practice and immediate feedback, Darrell was typing 3 words per minute faster. 

Similarly, Darrell's speech therapist, Kristin, observed great improvements in the strength of Darrell's facial and tongue muscles, and these improvements are resulting in increased clarity of speech.

Darrell's commitment to his homework is paying off.

Darrell's brain:  You're amazing!


  1. Darrell is amazing and cheer s for going!

  2. Truly amazing! Darrell's been helping me by being a reference for my PE and job applications! Thank you thank you
