Monday, October 31, 2016

Tricks and Treats

Brain cancer is...

...maximizing Halloween celebrations.

For those of you who enjoyed the creepy Pumpkin Carving Session One video, here's Session Two, as promised. We are set for the evening!

Thank you so much for all the fun you contributed to the holiday, with your skelly sightings, pumpkin carving pics, Boo treats, and all. 

We'll get you someday, Boo, and your little dog too!  Cackle cackle cackle!

Happy Halloween, Team D!


  1. Boo hoo... October is over. What is next, Team D???

  2. AHA!! A BEVY of BOOS! We were suspicious of such a thing! That is AWESOME!! All Boos...reveal ourselves and accept our adulation!!
