Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Cabin Day Six

Brain cancer is..

...working to make sense.

If you know us, Team D, you know our politics. The presidential election did not go our way last night.  (Side note: This is often the case for us.)  We completely respect that we are all entitled to our own convictions, and we don't mean to alienate anyone with this post. We trust in the democratic process.  Our sole attempt here is to continue sharing Darrell's life experience from his perspective. 

We went to bed last night worried. Today we woke up trying to make sense of our changing political milieu.  A new (for us) hike in the woods gave us a chance to think metaphorically and find a context for our country's future.

Having time together to think and talk in this beautiful place did help.  What helped more, though, was the message that our friend and Dean of the CSUF College of Education, Lisa Kirtman, shared with her daughter as Lisa sent her off to high school this morning: No matter what happens next, "Be strong, be brave, be kind, and be a leader."

Thanks for your wisdom, Lisa, and for allowing us to post your words here. 

Here's to us, Team D, and to our country--no matter our candidates--as we act on our convictions and as we remain strong, brave, and kind to each other.

1 comment:

  1. This day's post holds so much wisdom, as do all of Dr. Darrell's perspectives on life. Thank you for teaching me daily lessons. Prugs!
