Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Waterfowl Reconsidered

(Readers advisory:  This post is only for people with a few minutes to spare in consideration of  a completely unimportant topic.  It was another great day at our house.)

Brain cancer is...

...sticking with our earlier waterfowl conclusions.

Several additional recent days of observational data reaffirm earlier our assertions regarding the mental states of various waterfowl at Craig Park.

Coots?  Definitely sane.  See typical behavior in video above.  No signs of craziness.  We believe they are the sanest waterfowl in the park.  Here's evidence in support our argument:

Pelicans?  Crazy.  They only move in synchronous motion. What the helican? Plus, why are they still here?  Go south, pelicans!

Muscovy Duck?  Crazy.  We only ever see it sitting on benches or tables.  Also its black Mohawk is out of control.

Herons?  Elegant up top; party on the feet.  Crazy.
Canadian GeeseThe craziest of all.  The geese are back in town, presumably on their way south, but if the pelicans are any indicator, the geese may stay.  They live on the baseball field, it seems.  When they have the opportunity, they block the roads and act like we are the ones with the problem:

But the craziest behavior of all was how the geese acted on the lake.  They rolled over on their backs and kicked their feet to the sky.  Then they resumed their raucous wing water dances.  There is no excuse for this behavior, particularly from a whole gaggle: 

Back at home, we are making full use of 2016's Word of the Year, "lean" with more trips to Good Will. 

It's fun to start thinking about the 2017 Word of the Year.  How about "crazy"?

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