Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Still Waiting for MRI Results

Brain cancer is...

...practicing patience.

The radiologist hasn't released results of today's scan yet.  Sigh.  We waited until 7 pm our time to post, hoping for last-minute word from the radiologist, but it was not to be.

Thank you so much for your yoga poses, calming thoughts, positive emoticons, flower analogies, prayers, and good wishes.  I can't imagine doing this without knowledge of how many people are standing with us (in the words of Kim N.). We hope no one does it alone.

After a bit of a sleepless night, Darrell did well today, and everything proceeded exactly according to schedule. 

Above you see Darrell, MRI disc in left hand, IV bandaging on left arm, head Optuneless, and torso backpack free, skedaddling home.  Yes, we put the disc into our computer and looked at the images, but our training in the field of brain imaging remains a bit lacking.

We plan to post tomorrow as soon as we get the news. 

Again, thank you for embracing us with your hearts and spirits.   The next time you have an MRI or some other anxiety producing procedure, you tell us, and we'll return the love.  A promise. 

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