Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Family Mobilizes

Brain cancer is...

 ...under assault by family team members.

We are mobilizing to support upcoming changes with Andi at work.  Above, Zach perfects the "Zach Twist" after changing Darrell's arrays.  I'll be teaching class when Darrell has his MRI and thus array change this week.  We see, above, that he'll be in good hands with Zach.

Good thing Zach and Summer came home today.  We might starve otherwise.  Below you see what they made for lunch. Yum.

 The family also supported Andi during another day in front of the computer. 

Summer gave me the sparkling lights, which always make work special.  Darrell added the tiara.  Thanks, Team. 

PS...In case you're concerned, both granddogs survived their night with us.  Apparently Summer and Zach traveled to the prehistoric past.

 We hope you are having a great day, no matter where you are in time.


  1. Thank you, Andi and Team D for inspiring my day in front of the computer! Gonna go get my tiara, too!!! PRUGS!

  2. If you NEED a tiara, Christine, you just say the word. Everyone must have one. : )
