Wednesday, September 13, 2017

[More] Plant Magic and the Cutting Room Floor

Brain cancer is...

...also growing things.

With the drought, we watered the back yard, but we let the front yard die.
Above you see that Darrell is resuscitating the front yard with grass seed patch.  If you look really closely, you'll see his babies, the grasslets.  You go grasslets.  You go Darrell.

Cutting Room Floor

In daily usage, the term, "cutting room floor"  refers to footage that doesn't make the final cut.

Today yielded much blog material that ended up on the cutting room floor.  Here are the scraps: Title plus illustrative quote.  We leave it to your imagination to add the still images and video.

  • Sweet Things ("I'm doing sweet things because I am in the dog house.")
  • You Are So Wise ("I know!")
  • Andi's Number Talk ("If you're not struggling, you're not learning.")
  • Andi Is so Spoiled with a Shelper [Shlepper--!!!]. Darrell Deserves a Raise.  ("I know.")
  • Midweek Dates Remain Important.  ("Islands on a Wednesday.")
  • Life Is Great.  ("I know.")


  1. Hmmmmmm... Shelper? Duly noted and added to the job description.

  2. Ooops. So now you're a proof reader. That diminishes your power at the picket line. Good luck with your weakened case.

  3. My client is a shlepper? We thought he was a helper. We will discuss and get back to you.

  4. Yeah, right. Have your people call my people.
