Sunday, November 26, 2017


Brain cancer is...

 ...getting greedy with holidays.

You have encouraged us to live life with new expectations:  Adequate time to celebrate a birthday?  One month minimum.  Thanksgiving thankfulness is not one day.  Nope.  We need a week.

You may recall that, in our house, Christmas is a favorite holiday, and we love it big. GBM statistics suggested that Christmas 2016 might have been Darrell's final Christmas.  (In fact, Darrell wants you to know that he admitted to me today that he was not that careful in taking down the outside lights last year; he didn't think he'd have to put them up again this year. Darrell!)

You can imagine, then, as Holiday Hogs, how much extra we love this Christmas.  We're starting our celebrations in November, a true first in our family history.

Darrell put up the lights today.  Above are Darrell's and Summer's reactions when Summer plugged in the lights for the first time.  Joy.

Back in Life 1.0, I probably more than once said, "Christmas?  Ugh.  I'm not ready."

Now we realize that it takes very little to "be ready" to experience the joy of a holiday.  Maybe just a glad heart and an eagerness to see tomorrow.

But if you celebrate Christmas and need some help feeling ready, call Darrell.  He'll put up your lights. Just don't ask him to take them down.


  1. As I turned the corner onto our street, I was so happy to see all your Christmas lights, full of light and happy and bright. Thank you Darrell, you are a joy.

  2. No, YOU, Franceen! You and our friendship are joys! Ok. Darrell too. But not just Darrell. Love you.
