Thursday, November 8, 2018

Without Words

Brain cancer is..

 ...speechless? Aghast? Dumbfounded?  What's the word for "unable to make sense of"?

As did we all, Darrell and I woke up to news of the Borderline Bar and Grill mass murder.  Even with both our minds on it, we cannot find the word for how we feel today.  If this is not insanity, what is?

As promised (click here for the post), we made a consultation appointment for a colonoscopy for Darrell.  Above you see the magazine on display in the waiting room.  You know what news was playing on the room's huge television set, volume up.  We could not sit in that space.

In the exam room, the nurse took real effort to calm Darrell in anticipation of his blood pressure reading.  She said, "Focus on your breathing.  Slowly.  In. Then out."  Next she advised, "Now focus on your happy place.  Where would you like to be?  Where is happy for you?"

That does seem to be the question of the day, doesn't it?  "Where can we be happy?" "Can this place called America be our happy place?" "Can we be safe?"

Bonus Content:  A Way out of the Darkness

Thank you, Kim N and family, for a way out of the darkness today, via Pennsylvania.
