Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"The noise in life IS life."

Brain cancer is...


Today went in so many directions that we did not predict (spoiler alert:  all good).  Darrell's quote, the title of this post, captures his debrief of the day.  Specifically, in engineering (signal processing), noise is a term for "general unknown modifications to a signal."

In this girl's interpretation, noise is everything that enters our ears while we're attempting to hear a particular message.  It's noise (no meaning) vs. sound (meaning).  So...noise is what we hear while listening for a more focused thing that we think will have meaning.

I love Darrell's sentiment. To me, it means that life is what happens while we all are busy making other plans, listening for something more.

Some examples:  We thought we'd celebrate Darrell's tentatively good scan with tuna fish sandwiches at lunch.  And then, at dinner time, this happened:

Earlier, this happened:
It was great to catch up with Hallie and Ruth.  Why does monthly coffee skip a few months?  Because the noise in life is life. (Side note:  We happened upon The Coffee Cup by accident.  Recommend!)

At dinner, friend Joyce sent this picture of a spring day in New York's Central Park:

Dang, Joyce!  Which coast is best:  East or west?  It's a draw. 

Darrell's concluding thought:  If we know you, you are the noise in our lives. You are our lives.
Beautiful planet, beautiful people.

Photo credit:  Both Central Park photos are by Joyce.

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