Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Fence for the Second 63 Years

Brain cancer is...

 ...showing off our new fence.

Our house is 63 years old, and, until today, it had the original fence along one side. 
Although the property next door has changed hands a few times in the 20 years we've been here, no owner wanted to tackle sharing the expense of a new fence.  New neighbor = new fence...for the next 63 years!

Can you remember how it looked?  Worn out grape stake.  Like this:

The barriers in front were to stop Beowulf from exploring.  This photo was a couple months ago.  And then the winds hit last week and the fence looked like this:

 Here it is in process yesterday:

And here's one more shot of the finished product:

You can't see it, but a dark board runs behind the fence, from ground to above the bottom the fence for Beowulf repulsion.  Sorry Beowulf!

Darrell says good fences make for good neighbors.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was Darrell's neighbor! Gorgeous fence!!! Gorgeous Team! Prugs! xoxo
