Monday, June 27, 2016

Looking Forward!

Brain cancer is...

...finding things to look forward to!

Thanks to the Mayfields, we've got our prized La Croix and also great Super Hero advice to tide us over to Season 7 of Game of Thrones.

And these arrived today:

They are small, hard case, matching wheelie bags.  We learned the lesson from our train trip to Chicago:  multiple small bags, wheels.  Retirement??  We're ready to ROLL!! 

Bonus Content:  Advice on Online Communities

We mostly try to not give too many Life 2.0 rules or advice...because advice is worth what you pay for it (ha!).  But this is one thing I've learned post diagnosis that has been an absolute lifeline for me, and I'm wondering if it might be useful to those of you (us) who are facing similarly serious medical issues.  Soon after Darrell's diagnosis, I joined the American Brain Tumor Association's online community.  

People in that community are so responsive, knowledgeable, and compassionate.  I learn things in minutes in the community that hours of Internet research and many trips to the doctor's office don't reveal. 

I'm writing about it today because I have a good example to share.  Darrell (okay, the whole house) is experiencing difficulty sleeping, so I posted in the community, asking for advice.  It's been less than 24 hours, and we have 4 or 5 separate promising leads.  Also, it's amazing to hear that there are people out there having the same experiences; it provides a different and helpful perspective.  (For a rare disease, I'm amazed at the size of the GBM community!)  Darrell wants to let you know that you're as anonymous as you choose to be when you post.  Thus you can maintain your Super Hero status without the mortals asking around about your awesomeness.

So that's my advice:  If you or someone you love is facing some new medical issue, check to see if there's an online community that can give the patient's and caregiver's perspective on diagnosis, treatment, and life issues.  Or just write to us.  We'll help you find it.  Retired people and their partners can do that.

You are in our thoughts. 

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