Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Twelve Weeks it Is!

Brain cancer is...

...making itself scarce.

Today Dr. Park confirmed that Darrell can now shift to MRIs every 12 weeks instead of every 8 weeks.  Hurrah!

He agreed to this shift because Darrell is approaching his two-year diagnosis anniversary, 2/08/18.

Darrell's next scheduled appointments are in April--soooo looongg  after his anniversary date.  Therefore, we took anniversary pictures with some of the key Team D medical team players at St. Jude.  Above you see Dr. David Park.

Here's Nurse Navigator Deborah Yoon:
And Medical Assistant, Karen Richardson:

Long-time readers have seen all these faces before.  Today is special because they are taking their two-year bows.

Let's all start polishing our two-year smiles and practicing our bows.

Happy 12-week schedule, everyone!