Friday, June 15, 2018


Brain cancer is...

...a license to invent new words.

Why isn't there a word in the English language to express the sentiment, "our hearts are full of love"?  That should be a word, right? When one wonders how there could be so much human goodness?  How's this:  Heartfulllove?  Better idea?  Please send it our way!

In the meantime, here's why heartfullove:

Father's Day Act Two with Gordon:

Dad, your influence as a father ripples far beyond your original four children.

Next we had a very enjoyable afternoon with LuAnn, planning 80th birthday parties.

Finally, we had "Munchies with the Mayfields."   We're pretty sure we are going to move into their backyard.

We drank champagne and toasted to everything that we (all inclusive) have survived and accomplished this year.

From left:  Lennie, Andi,Christine, Darrell, Bekah, Charlie, AnnMarie
Mayfields, you are on our short list of heroes.

Heartfullove, Team D!


  1. Sooooo many more munchies to come! We love our backyard, especially when it is heartful(of Guillaume)love! PRUGS! xoxo

  2. Yay!! Maybe bring the crew to the Guillaume backyard too.
