Monday, August 27, 2018

"Time, Chef!"

Brain cancer is...

 ...celebrating Birthday Month Celebration Day 27...right on time!

Above you see that Darrell made a gourmet lunch for Filet Mignon Monday, Day 27.

Before he called me to the table, he called, "Time, Chef!"  just like in the cooking competition shows.

Well done, Chef!

Happy Monday, Team D!


  1. Filet Mignon Monday is the best way to start the week! Go, Chef Darrell!

  2. You speak the truth, Christine! For those who would like to replicate Filet Mignon Monday: Cheff Darrell grills the steaks on the barby (thanks Cammacks!), just a little salt. The potatoes are drizzled with olive oil, wrapped in foil, and also roasted on the grill. What a lunch!
