Friday, August 10, 2018

Butterflies and Water Walls

Brain cancer is...

 ...surprise! Having another great day!

You know it’s a great Birthday Celebration Month Day 10 when, by 9:09 a.m., Darrell morphs into a tentatively malevolent butterfly (above), and Gordon morphs into a decidedly benign one:

Lunch with LuAnn was equally adventurous.  We adventured close to her home and discovered Red Lantern Restaurant, a delicious find for Chinese food.  Our good experience started with this terrific water wall at the front door:

  The water wall elicited much conversation.  Here are four major points of the conversation:
  • Water walls are cool.  LuAnn might need one.  
  • Water walls contribute to feng shui.  Our server let us know that the owner installed the wall for feng shui purposes, largely to balance the the energy of the restaurant's west-facing entrance door.  
  • Water walls operate thanks to the Coanda effect, says Darrell.  Here's Andi's take on the Coanda effect: A fluid nearest a curved surface (the water nearest the curves in the wall) tends to stick to the surface of the curved wall and thus flow more slowly than does the water at the top of the water layer, away from the curved wall.    Here's the video:
No Alternate YouTube link for the water wall video.  But if you are new and really care about the Coanda Effect (and why wouldn't you?), you've got to click here for the YouTube video that demonstrates the effect in a visible way.
  • The dumplings were delicious, says Andi.
You did it, Team D; you made it to Friday!  Happy weekend! 


  1. Loved the Butterflies and look at Gordon with only wings... Ahhh... I have to say The Coanda effect was very interesting... the YouTube video made me wonder if there was a subliminal message... anyone else need to pee?

  2. Laughing out loud,Curt! Be right back. ;)
