Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday Is So Long.

Brain cancer is...

 ...finding out just how long one day can be!

We don't know how (or whether?) Tuesday will end, but it started well.

Brain cancer isn't conducive to sleep.  Neither is the start of a new semester, apparently.  As a result we were up by 4:30.  We worked out AND walked at the park early as a consequence.  Above you see that all of Darrell's territory at the park was in fine shape.

Andi teaches tonight until 10.

Tuesday:  Bring it on!!

Good wishes with your Tuesday too, Team D!

Update 9:03 p.m.

Classes are going well tonight.  Great stuff!  I opened the dinner that Darrell packed for me, and this is what I found:

 I thought those of you who read our story for Optune would want to know:  The notes continue.  I love you too, Darrell.

1 comment:

  1. Your story for Optune was lovely, just like the captains of Team D. Thank you for sharing it. So glad the notes continue. Prugs for a not-so-long Tuesday next week! xoxo
